Why I Joined

When I speak about Lanier High School National Alumni Association in public, I am reminded that Lanier High School doesn’t just have an alumni base in terms of sheer numbers – we have passionate, loyal and committed Bulldogs! When I speak one-on-one with Lanier High School alumni, I hear several phrases again and again:
“I’m proud to have received my high school diploma from Lanier High School.”
“I’m a loyal Bulldog.”
“My family’s legacy with Lanier High School goes back to multiple generations.”
“Everyone in my family bleeds maroon and white!”
I know that this loyalty is part of why the Alumni Association has been able to provide programs and services that enhance the lives of existing Lanier High School students and create opportunities for their higher education advancements. Since its inception in 1998, your Lanier High School National Alumni Association has awarded over $56,500 to deserving Lanier Graduates to further their education.
You can play a crucial role in translating our incredible alumni loyalty into increased Lanier High School National Alumni Association membership. Our organization exists to unite alumni and magnify their impact at Lanier High School; in return, I ask the following:
Join the Alumni Association if you’re not already a member.
If you are an annual member, consider upgrading to Life membership.
If you have friends or relatives who are Lanier High School alumni, urge them to join the Association.
Finally, by joining the Alumni Association, you are providing a significant boost to Lanier High School’s reputation as a change agent and public education leader.
Thank each of you for what you do for Lanier High School, Lanier High School students, and the entire Georgetown Community.
Sincerely, Al Thomas, Sr.
Board of Directors Chairman